Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Legend of Saint George

Many years ago there was a soldier called George who lived in a country called Turkey. He sailed across the seas to Libya where he met an old man who told him that the people of the village were scared of a terrifying dragon. Every day they had to offer a young maiden to the dragon. By that time, there weren't young girls in the village but the king’s daughter, who was to be sacrificed at sunset.

The king said that whoever killed the dragon could marry his daughter. George wanted to save her so he decided to go to the dragon’s cave to fight it.

The princess was already standing before the dragon's cave, pretending to be brave, when George rode by on his horse. As soon as the dragon saw him it rushed from its cave, roaring with a sound louder than thunder. But George was not afraid. He chased the dragon and threw a spear at it that broke into a thousand pieces because of its tough scales.  George hid behind a tree to catch his breath but the dragon saw it and roared at him and its fire melted George’s shield.

With his sword in his hand, George rushed at the dragon and pierced it under the wing where there were no scales, so that it fell dead at his feet. Then, the princess married him and the villagers, impressed with his bravery, were converted to Christianity.